
1. Company level:

① Market status quo; What is the current market position of the product, and what is the market environment of the business scope of the product? Relying on the analysis of the market environment, we can better analyze the basic reasons for the product to do well or fail.

The current situation of the market can go to some such as iresearch, and other consulting websites to understand the product market situation.

② Product positioning: that is, what can be obtained through the product. For example, Didi Dache realizes the optimal allocation of resources to solve the connection problem between drivers and customers. Shared bikes solve the problem of the last three kilometers. Generally, when we understand the positioning of the product, we can also analyze whether the product is really solving the problem. A product that does not solve the problem is decided to be a fake product.

2. At the user level:

① Who is the target user: that is, who is the product provided for, and who is the use role of the product? Generally speaking, the target users of vertical products are certain groups of people. For example, our target users are some businesses without R&D or weak R&D capabilities. The target users of comprehensive products tend to be people of all ages, such as Taobao and Jingdong.

② What needs should be solved for users: basic needs, expected needs, exciting needs

The value of our product's existence, what kind of needs are solved by users, and at what level are these needs. This aspect mainly analyzes how the product meets the user's basic needs, expectation needs, and then excitement needs. For example, the basic needs of Alipay are payment and settlement, which can be extended to check social security, pay utilities, and take buses to meet the higher and more convenient needs of residents.

Remark: User value judgment standard of demand:

① Whether the requirements really exist: the requirements exist with the scene, describe the group characteristics of the core users, and meet the needs of the core users. Identification of authenticity requirements

(2) Whether the requirements are rigid enough: according to Masnol's requirements hierarchy model, the requirements closer to the bottom level should be satisfied first. Because the closer to the bottom, the clearer the demand pain point, the wider the demand coverage scene, and the more intensive the demand coverage number.

(3) Whether the demand is painful enough: In this scenario, the user's mind has not been occupied, and the value of the demand as an entry point is higher

④ Whether the requirements can be effectively satisfied: The meaning behind the effective satisfaction is whether the requirements envisioned by the product manager can be realized within the existing technical conditions and controllable costs, and bring users a better experience than expected.

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