
Overview of Smart Industry
Smart industry refers to the application of information technology, network technology and intelligent technology in the industrial field, and the combination of advanced manufacturing technology and green energy saving and carbon reduction technology in the future to form a new digital, intelligent and green industrial system. On the basis of automated production and manufacturing, it adds digital and intelligent capabilities. It uses computer technology to simulate the activities of enterprises in the procurement, manufacturing, quality inspection, energy use, logistics, marketing, service and other whole value chain processes to analyze, reason, judge, think and make decisions, so as to expand, extend and even replace most of human physical and mental labor. Realize knowledge-intensive production and operations.
Through the upgrading of intelligent Internet of things, industrial enterprises will collect and analyze production data in real time, improve man-machine collaboration, strengthen production process controllability, reduce manual intervention on the production line and improve product quality, etc., and realize intelligent manufacturing under simple automation (LCIM low-cost intelligent manufacturing). At the same time, it is expected to fully grasp the production and marketing process, optimize the supply chain system, reduce product costs and energy resource consumption, and upgrade the traditional production and operation paradigm to a new stage of digitalization, intelligence and green.
Smart industry, as a product of the integration of new generation of information and communication technology, intelligent technology, advanced manufacturing technology and green, energy saving and carbon reduction technology, is an important engine for deepening supply-side structural reform and promoting stronger, better and bigger industries.
Smart industry has become the focus of the development of global powers
Industry, as an important instrument of a country, is an important support for improving economic strength, scientific and technological strength and comprehensive national strength. In recent years, the United States, Germany, Japan, China and other major industrial countries have introduced top-level national strategies to accelerate industrial digital transformation, strengthen industrial core competitiveness, and build new competitive advantages.
The world's major industrial powers regard the transformation and development of smart industry as a "new driver" for growth, and expect industrial enterprises to explore smart upgrading and carry out new production models and business paradigm innovation. The rapid and healthy development of wisdom industry is particularly important for our country. China's industrialization has the obvious feature of "space-time compression", and the manufacturing industry is in the parallel development stage of "2.0 (electrification) supplementary lessons, 3.0 (automation and digitalization) popularization, 4.0 (wisdom) pilot". Smart industry is a key measure to promote Chinese-style modernization and realize high-quality industrial development.

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